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Does Machining Accuracy Affect Casting

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Does Machining Accuracy Affect Casting

Date of release:2019-05-09 Author: Click:

The codes composed of prescribed characters, numbers and symbols for Dalian precision casting are compiled into a processing program sheet according to a certain format. Then the control medium is input into the NC device. After the analysis and treatment of the NC device, various signals and instructions corresponding to the processing program are sent out for automatic processing. It can complete the processing of complex surface parts with high efficiency and quality.

The production efficiency is ten or even tens times higher than that of general machine tools. The fixed part refers to the time that must occur before a batch of parts are processed. The additional part is the time required to make certain preparations and finish the work according to the actual needs of the work. Processing a batch of parts only gives one preparation and completion time. The additional part is the time required to make certain preparations and finish the work according to the actual needs of the work.

Especially the modern industrial production makes the machine develop in the direction of precision, high speed and multi-function. Under the condition of high temperature, high pressure, high speed and high stress, any defect of the surface layer will accelerate the failure of the parts. Because there are many factors affecting the processing accuracy in the process of processing.

Therefore, the same processing method can achieve different accuracy under different working conditions. Hardness testing machine and other production equipment to meet the various requirements of different users. In the process of machining, the process system often vibrates, that is, there is a periodic relative motion between the cutting edge of the workpiece and the cutting edge of the tool besides the nominal cutting motion.

When vibration occurs, the normal cutting process of the technological system is disturbed and destroyed. The machine tool is separated from the foundation by thick rubber and wood, and the connection between the foundation and the ground is set up by anti-vibration trench to prevent the vibration source from being transmitted to the machine tool through the ground and the foundation.

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