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Talking about the Hardness Requirements of Precision Parts Processing

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Talking about the Hardness Requirements of Precision Parts Processing

Date of release:2019-05-09 Author: Click:

The cold processing of Dalian precision parts can be divided into cutting and pressure processing according to the difference of processing methods. Heat treatment, calcination, casting and welding are common in hot working. Various kinds of equipment, generally known as: heat treatment equipment, forging equipment, casting equipment, welding equipment, metal cutting machine tools, press and so on. Suitable for the needs of different types of automobiles, better help the performance of automobiles.

The research and development technology of automobile spare parts industry has always been at the level of the industry. There are special technicians and R&D centers to support the R&D investment. There is a good marketing model for the development of automobile spare parts related industries and a good marketing model is inseparable, not only in the domestic market, but also in the international market. Processing can be divided into cutting and pressure processing according to the difference of processing methods.

Heat treatment, forging, casting and welding are common in hot working. First is the requirement of material hardness. For some occasions, the higher the hardness of the material, the better. It is only limited to the hardness requirements of the machined parts. The machined materials can not be too hard. If they are harder than the machined parts, they can not be machined. And do not cause chemical or physical changes of the workpiece, called cold processing.

Generally, processing at or below normal temperature will cause chemical or physical changes of the workpiece, which is called thermal processing. Cold processing can be divided into cutting and pressure processing according to the difference of processing methods. Heat treatment, forging, casting and welding are common in hot working. Using the company's accumulated experience and customer resources in the automotive industry, while enlarging and strengthening the existing business, according to the development of downstream market, timely extend to the field of new energy automotive parts, to achieve the sustainable development of the company.

Dalian Precision Parts Processing Price

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